Utilization of Modern Technology to Expand the World of Education

The development of modern technology which continues to increase sharply is actually carried out in order to balance human needs. In every aspect of life, starting from the economy, socio-culture, politics, even education is affected by digitalization.

Modern Technology

Technological developments must be utilized as well as possible to expand knowledge or information related to education on various existing digital media platforms. Circumstances or situations like today make it very possible to disseminate information through digital media. But not only in situations like this, even before the pandemic occurred, information about education had already been made. Study activities at home in a pandemic situation like this, teachers and students are required to be able and able to study various digital platforms to facilitate the learning process or provide various information about learning in digital media. Digital media that is often used in the learning process is social media.

Dissemination of information through social media is very easy and of course spreads quickly, examples of social media applications that are often used in learning methods, namely Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and other social media. The use of social media is very influential on the dissemination of information, especially in the field of education. Teachers and students inevitably have to open their eyes to digital media.

Modern technology like today is very helpful in disseminating information related to education, plus in situations like this we are all required to be able to adapt to various existing technologies. Studying various existing technologies does not rule out the possibility that the level of creativity from both students and teachers can be seen. So this modern technology is very influential on educational information today.

Everyone returns to themselves if they are unable to adapt or do not want to open their eyes about technology, they will slowly be left behind, but if they are able to adapt and can open their eyes about technology, then it is not impossible that it will continue to develop and certainly new knowledge will be obtained.